In times like these, it’s more important than ever for your business to find ways to increase your market share and provide value to your clients and customers. However, in this day and age, customers don’t shop at businesses just because they exist. Businesses need to set themselves apart from the competition and show that they have integrity and purpose. One of the best and most cost-effective ways to do this is through volunteering and supporting local causes. 

Here are a few ways volunteering and supporting local causes can help grow your business:

  1. Volunteering creates happier and healthier employees.

    Scientific research has shown that helping others makes us feel good. When encouraged to volunteer or give to worthy causes, your employees will feel better about themselves, making them more confident and content workers, which creates a healthier and more productive overall business.


  1. Volunteering generates organic media attention.

    Giving back to your community gives your business exposure to groups and people who may not normally see your advertisements or marketing efforts. Supporting local causes also often results in quality organic advertising for your business. With the help of public relations professionals, you can notify local media outlets of your efforts, which can result in positive media attention for your business. This can be even more effective than paid advertising, because it allows your potential customers to see your business as one that cares for its community.


  1. Volunteering establishes community goodwill.

    In addition to gaining organic media attention, volunteering and supporting local causes will help your customers respect your efforts to improve your community. Today’s customers expect a business to have a strong sense of corporate social responsibility, and often base their decisions on a business’ image and community reputation.While volunteering and supporting local causes are important, it is equally important to have a team of public relations professionals to make sure your efforts do not go unnoticed. Public relations professionals have the experience and connections to let the right people know about your volunteering events. Our team can work with you to plan and coordinate these events to create the maximum impact for your business. Contact us today to learn more!